Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Happy Birthday, Kathy

It's been three decades since you came on the scene
With time passing and the world turning
We have shared so much
We discovered so much of the world together
Before we were ready to step out on our own
We learned to live with one another
With headaches and heartbreaks
Laughter and love
Time moves on
We've each our own lives
We've traveled down paths we never dreamed
And found
Today we both stand on solid ground
Half a world away, I want to reach out and say to you
My sister, who knows me like no other
Who has given me the gift of her love
And accepted my love in return
Even when that love came with pain
(Cause I can be a right pain in the ass sometimes)
Thank you for being you
Thank you for being in my life
Today I celebrate you

... Happy Birthday! I love you.

1 comment:

  1. My dearest brother, I am so touched by your words. This is the most wonderful birthday gift I could have ever received from you. Thank you for making me feel so special.
    I love you!
