Thursday, September 3, 2009


In 1996, I joined the U.S. Army as a private. Since then, I have spent time in Korea as a crewmember on a plane, Texas as a an overpaid 'general laborer', and Hawaii as an intelligence analyst, working my way up to the rank of Staff Sergeant.

In 2007, I left active Military service and moved to California to give being a civilian a shot. My wonderful partner, with whom a wedding ceremony is planned sometime in the nebulous 'future', accompanied me and together we began a new life.

But the recession took its toll on us. Between the economic situation and my own life errors (like not getting a college education), I found myself laid off from my civilian job as a Technology Markets Research Analyst and unable to find work, living on unemployment for over a year. I attempted to return to the Active Component, but even that turned out unsuccessful, as the recruiters had met their quotas and weren't interested in getting me back.

Then, in June, I informed my reserve command that I would be willing to mobilize on orders. My commander immediately jumped on it and told me I would be heading out near the end of September. I waited for official word (that is: Orders) but none came. Then on August 7th, I got orders attaching me to the 321st Military Intelligence Battalion (MI BN) based in Texas.

It didn't tell me what to do, where to go, or who to call. It said nothing about when or where we were going. I tried to contact the unit, but could not reach them. Finally, after emails and phone calls, I was contacted by the unit on August 19th and told I was flying on August 25th.

So that's what happened and now I am in San Antonio, meeting a lot of new people and reconnecting with some familiar faces.

I will be away from home for the next year. In an effort to keep people up to date, I am going to keep this blog. I will try to give an account of what's going on and how I'm doing. It will include my observations and opinions on what I see and do.

As an Intelligence Professional, I won't be going into a lot of detail about the specifics of my actual job. As a Military Professional, I will have to be careful of any satirical notes on the shenanigans that are bound to occur. However, I will endeavor to keep things humorous and give an accurate account, from my perspective, of the journey.

To my dear family and friends, to my Love and to the people I love, I look forward to seeing you all again, sometime in the later half of 2010.

Please keep myself, Alicia who will be without me for the duration, my family, my unit, and all of our Soldiers that are at risk in your prayers; send us your love and positive energy, attune your crystals to beam your chakras, and generally just wish us well.


  1. Alrighty then. Good luck. I can hardly wait for the satirical comments. I'm sure you have a bunch already. Are you pretty confident you will have intenet access routinely?

  2. What? Satire?
    We're sorry you'll be away from Alicia and home for so long. Thanks for your service, and we look forward to reading your updates.
    Be Safe!

  3. It sucks to have you away for a year. Thank you for doing a blog. I look forward to your postings. I send protection.


  4. I'll look forward to your updates!
